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All existing Y Members and General Public (Program Participants) will be able to access their online account by entering the email address or primary phone number tied to their account. Please review the information below on how to properly access your online account before beginning to register for programs.


Ensure you are entered into our system. If you have participated in a program or were a member after October 1, 2016, then you are already in our system. If you are unsure or your account cannot be found, please contact member services at your local YMCA and we will assist you.

  • Apple Creek YMCA - 920.733.9622
  • Appleton YMCA - 920.739.6135
  • Fox West YMCA - 920.757.9820
  • Heart of the Valley YMCA - 920.830.5700
  • Neenah-Menasha YMCA - 920.729.9622
  • Ogden YMCA and Valley Tennis Center - 920.560.0001


Click "Access My Online Account" at the top of this page in the right-hand corner. This will open in a new window so you can easily refer back to these instructions. 


Enter your email address or phone number in the "login or find your account" box. Click the Submit button.


Enter your password and click the Login button. You are now ready to search and register for programs online!

  • If this is your first time accessing your online account, see below instructions. 

Forgot Your Password or First Time Accessing Online Account?

Click the "Forgot your password" hyperlink and select to either reset your password or if you would like, you can receive a one-time code for quick login. Follow the onscreen prompts to access your online account.