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For children ages 5-12 (must have completed 5K). The Appleton YMCA maintains 10 beautiful acres 20 miles northwest of Appleton, it is a fully enclosed campus. At Camp Shioc all campers enjoy fishing, canoeing, kayaking and paddle boating on our stocked pond. We offer a low ropes course, sports field, STEAM activities, outdoor cooking, arts and crafts along with a playground area. Campers who are 7-years-old or older have the option to participate in archery too. Each week lesson plans are based on our theme for the week, please check out our website for the weekly themes and monthly fieldtrip dates/locations. Campers will participate in an open swim at the Appleton YMCA once a week.

Camp Shioc will only be accepting week-long registrations.


Camp Contacts:
Director: Ross Mortensen 920.954.7614 or Email

Session Dates:
June 9-August 22, 2025
6:30 AM-6:00 PM


  • Bus Departure 8:15 AM (children must arrive no later than 8:00 AM)
  • Bus Return 4:00 PM
    • Due to transportation, half day option is not available
  •  Pick Up/Drop Off only at Appleton YMCA

Important Information:

  • Meals & Snacks - Participants must provide their own AM and PM snacks and lunch daily
  • Parent Orientation May 14 at the Appleton YMCA
  • Open House June 6, 2024 • 3:00-5:00 PM at:
    • Camp Shioc, N5414 Pluger Rd., Shicoton, WI 54170



Week 1: June 9-13 | Welcome to Camp
We're kicking off the summer by learning about all Camp Shioc has to offer, archery, boating, fishing, low ropes, and more!

Week 2: June 16-20 | Survivor Week
Do you have what it takes to make it in the wilderness? Join us and learn about starting campfires, backpacking meals and building shelters.

Week 3: June 23-27 | Ye Old ShiocYee haw! 
Travel back to the time of cowboys and pioneers! We're making homemade bread, pickling, and tin can shooting.
Fieldtrip Wednesday, June 25: Bay Beach

Week 4: June 30-July 3 | USA, USA, USA!
Help us celebrate with hot dogs on the fire, painting our own fireworks, and proudly wear our Red, White, and Blue!

Week 5: July 7-11 | Under the Big 
Come one, come all to The Great Shioc Circus! Dunk a counselor, eat some sweet treats, and pop some balloons at archery.
July 9: Family Night

Week 6: July 14-18 | Superheroes vs. Villains
What would your superpower be if you could choose? Climb like Spiderman? Explore the water Aquaman? Shoot a bow like Hawkeye? Come help us defeat the villains all over camp!

Week 7: July 21-25 | Mystical Magic
Potions, dragons, knights: get ready to slay a dragon in archery, create your own fizzy potions, and dig for treasure.
Tie Dye Week

Week 8: July 28-August 1 | Y-Games
Ready to compete in field games galore. Who will win the gold?

Week 9: August 4-8 | Inventor’s Expo
Bring your creativity and let’s do some creating. It is time to stretch your imagination and see what we can create.

Week 10: August 11-15 | H2-Woah!
Pack your suit and towel this week! We will be doing all things water; think sprinklers, water wars, water painting, slip n' slides, water balloons, and a trip to Pollock Pool.
Fieldtrip Wednesday, August 13: Pollock Pool

Week 11: August 18-22 | Camp Farewell
It's time to say goodbye and celebrate all we have done for the summer. We will revisit all our favorite camp experiences and
make some memory books.