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Are you 18 years of age or over?

If you are not at least 18 years old, please have your parents digitally sign this form. 

Are you a YMCA Member?

If you are leading a larger group or business that has committed to volunteering at the YMCA, please complete this section.

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name


I hereby affirm that the information given by me on this application for volunteering is complete and accurate. I understand that any falsification or omission will be immediate grounds for dismissal. I authorize the investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand a background check may be required. I understand this agreement and have read it carefully before signing. 


I hereby affirm that the information given by me on this application for volunteering is complete and accurate. I understand that any falsification or omission will be immediate grounds for dismissal. I authorize the investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand a background check may be required. I understand this agreement and have read it carefully before signing. 

Sign above