September 30-October 4, 2024
During Active Aging Week the Y wants to celebrate the positive aspects of aging! We know that individuals over 50 can thrive in all aspects of life, including physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, vocational, and environmental domains, regardless of age or health status.
Join us between September 30-October 4 for a variety of activities and educational opportunities aimed at promoting the benefits of healthy, active lifestyles throughout our lifespan.
Schedule of Events:
- Apple Creek YMCA*
Best Hip Exercises for Pickleball
Monday, September 30, NOON-1:00 PM
Let's learn some of the top exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles that matter most! Presented by: Nikki Strick, Physical Therapist at Peak Performance. This class is FREE!
Wednesday, October 2, NOON-1:00 PM
Try this fun cardio class that combines high-intensity, full-body movements with drumsticks and a stability ball, (your drum kit!). This class will host options for beginners as well as those more advanced. This class is FREE! No registration required.
Cardio Drumming- Appleton YMCA*
AARP Smart Driving Course
Tuesday, October 1, 12:30-4:00 PM
Refresh your driving skills with the AARP Smart Driver Refresher Course. You will learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws, rules of the road, useful information on automobile technology and more. Upon completion, you may be eligible to save money on your car insurance.
Fee of $20 for AARP members and $25 for general public is due by cash or check to the vendor the day of. Bring your driver license and AARP card.
- Fox West YMCA*
Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long Term Care
Wednesday, October 2, 10:00 AM-NOON
Connect with the Board on Aging and Long Term Care for comprehensive support, resources, volunteer opportunities, and advocacy tailored to enhance your well-being and interdependence. This class is FREE!
- Heart of the Valley YMCA
Health Fair
Tuesday, October 1, 8:30-11:30 AM
Come discover the resources available to you in the Fox Cities. Our health fair features community partners who will show you how to achieve balance in your overall well-being. Join us to explore the many ways to support your health. This class is FREE! No registration required.
- Neenah-Menasha YMCA
Thursday, October 3, 10:00-11:30 AM
Come join us for a new and fun class during Active Aging Week. Lets Bingocize! This class combines exercise and health information with the familiar game of bingo. It is a great way to have fun and get seniors moving and socializing. This class is FREE! No registration required.